LILAC: Online Language Learning and Teaching

Available as Self-Study


Funded by the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, the LILAC Project aims to help language teachers and learners to transform digital challenges into opportunities and acquire the digital proficiency needed to maximise the benefits afforded by e-learning.

You’ll Learn to

  • acquire an understanding of the main theories relating to online language teaching
  • apply such theories in your online teaching for both the development of language skills and the creation of learning communities
  • identify and appraise Open Educational Resources and other online tools for language teaching
  • assess students’ work and provide feedback.

Course Developers

This open course has been developed by the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education in partnership with:

Prof. Laura McLoughlin

National University of Ireland Galway

Dott. Oriana Bologna

National University of Ireland Galway

Dr Francesca Nicora

National University of Ireland Galway

Dr Éamon Ó Cofaigh

National University of Ireland Galway

Dr Dorothy Ní Uigín

National University of Ireland Galway

Dr Pilar Alderete Diez

National University of Ireland Galway

Dr Matteo La Grassa

Università per Stranieri di Siena, Italy

Míċeál Ó Loċlainn

National University of Ireland Galway

Enroll in this Course

Self Study

Learn at your own pace on demand in a self study programme


This badge is completed by achieving the learning associated with the LILAC Teachers ModuleThe completion of these is facilitated at

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